Do Professional Photographers Need Filters? - A Comprehensive Guide

Professional photographers use filters to both capture and edit photos. When shooting, many professionals rely on UV, polarizing and neutral density filters to improve the quality of their images. Polarizers are essential for controlling reflections that would otherwise be visible. ND filters are also used to measure depth of field.

Some photographers use filters frequently, while others rarely use them. Filters are especially important for landscape photographers. Companies such as Lee Filters, Cokin or Breakthrough Photography offer a wide range of filters, including very affordable options from The Filter Dude. I personally don't use filters to protect my camera; I never used a UV filter even before I became a professional photographer.

However, they can be very useful for landscape photography, providing fantastic effects and benefits that portrait photographers need from an ND filter. Many amazing photographers only use screw filters, so find out what style suits you best and go with it. For example, some friends of mine who work for my wedding photography company do off-road coverage. In this case, it is essential to have a filter in their lenses to protect them from stones thrown by high-speed off-road vehicles and dirt bikes.

Let's review some of the most popular filters landscape photographers use and how they affect images. Landscape photographers often need filters much more than portrait photographers (although a 1- or 2-pass ND can be very useful for a portrait photographer shooting outdoors). Using camera lens filters is the easiest way to instantly change the look of images and add a new boost of creativity to your work as a photographer. According to my experience and knowledge, there is an absolute need for filters in certain photography industries and if you are looking for a certain aspect.

In this video, Mitch Lally shares the “BIG THREE” camera lens filters that he (and MANY) other professional photographers never leave home without. In conclusion, professional photographers need filters depending on the type of photography they do. Landscape photographers often need them more than portrait photographers, but even portrait photographers can benefit from using ND filters outdoors. Filters are indispensable tools for any photographer looking to add a new boost of creativity to their work.

Companies such as Lee Filters, Cokin or Breakthrough Photography offer a wide range of filters, including very affordable options from The Filter Dude.

Clément Vermeulen
Clément Vermeulen

Freelance pop cultureaholic. Lifelong internet geek. Avid problem solver. Subtly charming bacon scholar. Proud zombie fanatic. Passionate tv fanatic.