Choosing the Perfect Filter for Infrared Photography

When it comes to infrared photography, selecting the right filter is essential. There are a few factors to consider when picking the ideal filter for your needs. If you plan to shoot in black and white, then the 850 nm filter is the best option. If you plan to shoot in color, then the 720 nm filter or a smaller one is recommended.

The Hoya R-72 infrared filter is an excellent choice that provides good image quality and is easy to attach to the lens. The 830 nm filter only produces monochrome infrared images and absorbs about 2 EV of light, so it is not recommended as the best black and white infrared filter. The 700 nm filter has higher sensitivity and is worth more than the small advantage in infrared contrast. It can be used for both color and monochrome infrared images.

For those who just want to take pictures, there are specific infrared cameras available. The Cokin square infrared filter kit is a great option if you want to use different lenses or filters with your horizontal camera. When selecting an infrared filter, it's important to consider the quality of construction, light transmission, and size. High-quality milled aluminum filters are preferred as they are more durable and can withstand extended use. It's also important to choose a filter that fits your lens size, as filters come in various thread sizes from 46 mm to 95 mm.

Finally, make sure you select a filter that will allow you to capture ultraviolet, infrared, and visible light for maximum flexibility. In addition to these factors, it's important to understand how each type of filter works and what type of image it will produce. For example, an 850 nm filter will produce a black and white image with high contrast and deep shadows. A 720 nm filter will produce a color image with more subtle tones and less contrast. A 700 nm filter will produce an image with higher sensitivity and more detail in the shadows. Choosing the right filter for your infrared photography needs can be a daunting task.

However, by understanding the different types of filters available and their effects on your images, you can make an informed decision that will help you get the most out of your photography.

Clément Vermeulen
Clément Vermeulen

Freelance pop cultureaholic. Lifelong internet geek. Avid problem solver. Subtly charming bacon scholar. Proud zombie fanatic. Passionate tv fanatic.